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Lim Wee Teck, Secretary

[email protected]

Lim Wee Teck, Secretary


Leadership Camp and Chapter Chair Meeting

Leadership Camp and Chapter Chair gathering and discussion

IEEE Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) participated in Leadership Camp and Chapter Chair Meeting organized by IEEE Malaysia Section. This event was held on 12 March 2016 (Saturday) at Grand Bluewave Hotel, Shah Alam. During the morning session, briefing was given to all chapters. There are several key points pertaining to CPMT that were captured:

1. Reporting of Activity:

  • CPMT is able to report its activity via on-line system (IEEE MGA vTools).

2. Rebate and Bonus:

  • Each year, it is a must for each Chapter to hold two technical activities in order to rebate USD 200 from HQ.
  • For CPMT, we get our rebate annually from Malaysia Section.
  • If CPMT can organize 6 or more activities, an additional USD 75 will be given as bonus.

3. Nature of Activity:

  • Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) Malaysia Chapter Newsletter H1-2016
  • Administrative meeting, technical activity (conference, workshop, talk, visit, etc), non-technical (social event) are considered IEEE activity and must be reported to IEEE.

Chapter Chair Meeting was conducted in the afternoon session. Our CPMT chapter has successfully presented: (1) List of ExComm Members, (2) Planned Activities, and (3) Budget for the Year 2016. During the meeting, it was suggested that for future international conference, we may engage Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB) for financial and/or non-financial supports (website: www.myceb.com.my). Section also encouraged CPMT to send Final Year Project (FYP) students to participate in Best FYP Research Award. This is to encourage or motivate FYP students in research. Section also suggested that CPMT to organize dinner for networking or social purpose.