[email protected]

Lim Wee Teck, Secretary

[email protected]

Lim Wee Teck, Secretary


35th International Electronics Manufacturing Technology (IEMT) Conference 2012

The International Electronics Manufacturing Technology (IEMT) Conference is the premier IEEE event devoted to the manufacture of electronic, opto-electronic and MEMS/sensors devices and systems. IEMT is an established International conference of long standing organized by the Electronic Packaging Society (EPS) of IEEE. IEMT 2012 is being organized by the IEEE EPS Malaysia Chapter with co-sponsorship from IEEE Santa Clara Valley Chapter. IEMT 2012 featured short courses, technical sessions, and exhibitions. It aims to provide good coverage of technological developments in all areas of electronics packaging, from design to manufacturing and operation. IEMT 2012 is an international forum, providing opportunities to network and meet leading experts. Since the 1980’s and 1990’s, IEMT has gained a reputation as a premier electronics materials and packaging conference and is well attended by experts in the field of electronic packaging from all over the world.

Technical Co-sponsors

Organizing Companies & Institutions