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Lim Wee Teck, Secretary

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Lim Wee Teck, Secretary


IEEE R10 Chapter Chair Meeting at EPTC Singapore

Participants of 2016 Chapter Chair meeting of R10 at EPTC Singapore

A regional IEEE Chapter Chair R10 meeting was held in Singapore in conjunction with the 18th Electronics Packaging Conference (EPTC 2016). The Malaysian Chapter was represented at the meeting by Azhar Aripin, the treasurer of the chapter. The meeting was held on the 2nd of December, 2016. The director of Region 10, Mr. Yasumitsu Orii chaired the meeting which was also attended by the President if IEEE Society Jean Trewhella. Mr. Orii presented the opening speech and welcomed all the participants. He indicated he would like to see more collaboration work between Chapters in the future. Jean stressed the importance of increasing membership numbers as part of the recruitment drive initiative. The group shared their reasons for remaining in EPS to try and identify the main relevance of the society to the individual as an initial step towards retention stagey formulation. Jean also updated the team that during the recent BoJ meeting, they have decided to change EPS name to something more representative of the chapter activities. Currently, EPS which stands for Component, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, is the longest chapter name in IEEE. EPS will make an announcement of the new name soon. Then all the chapter chairs updated their chapter activities and plan for 2016. Few chapter chairs who were not able to be present in the R10 meeting have also shared their chapter activities through the director Region 10, Mr. Yasumitsu Orii who presented on their behalf. At the end of the meeting, a group photo was taken.