Ir. Dr. Wong Yew Hoong presenting the BESA 2019 certificate to Chan Weng Xin.
Lim Wee Teck, Secretary
The Best Engineering Student Award (BESA) 2019 at University of Malaya (UM) was awarded to Mr. Chan Weng Xin, a Materials Engineering student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The title of his project was “Effects of Cobalt Nanoparticle Addition to Tin-Bismuth Solder”. Sn-58Bi is a high strength material; however, its low ductility reduces the reliability issue during the service life. In past decades, researchers have found that the addition of nanoparticle could enhance the reliability issue. Since the addition of cobalt nanoparticle to Sn-58Bi has not been studied yet, thus in this research, Cobalt was used as a third element (nanoparticle) addition to Sn-58Bi solder material.
Weng Xin would like to express his gratitude to IEEE-EPS Malaysia Chapter for the BESA 2019 award. He would also like to express his appreciation for the mentorship of his supervisor, Prof. Dr. A.S.M.A. Haseeb and the Final Year Project (FYP) coordinator Dr. Nazatul Liana Sukiman. Their guidance had been monumental in this achievement. The winner received monetary award and a certificate. The certificate was presented by Ir. Dr. Wong Yew Hoong, the IEEE-EPS Malaysia Chapter representative in the Faculty of Engineering, UM.