The Best Engineering Student Award (BESA) 2020 was awarded to Chuah Ching Fun, an Electrical and Electronic Engineering student from University of Nottingham Malaysia, for his final year project titled “Low Power Configurable Stochastic Multiplier”. Stochastic computing consumes low power but suffers from long latency, low accuracy and large hardware area overhead to generate stochastic bit streams. Among these disadvantages, long latency is particularly undesirable especially for multiplication. Through this project, a novel stochastic multiplier design is proposed and incorporated in an image convolution system. From the results of experiments, it is deduced that the proposed stochastic multiplier is more superior than state-of-the-arts in terms of latency, accuracy, area for stochastic bit stream generation and overall optimization level. The most significant contribution is that the latency is reduced by an order exponential to the number of bits of input binary multiplicands, as compared to state-of-the-arts. Also, the area for stochastic bit stream generation for the proposed design is approximately 1.5 times smaller whilst its overall optimization is over 100 times better for 8-bit binary inputs. Taking this opportunity, Ching Fun would like to extend his sincere gratitude for all the guidance and dedication of his supervisor, Dr. T. Nandha Kumar, in making this project a success. The award comprised of RM3,000 cash prize and a certificate.